Thursday, October 8, 2009

So here's the thing...

It seems that I am not very disciplined with blogging. I write...I have been writing....just most of it doesn't make it here. The interesting part is that if I wrote half of the things I think about writing...well there would just be too many for folks to keep up...of course if I was generating traffic. But I'm going to make a personal vow to share my thoughts and a piece of my world right here....I mean it's the perfect place to think out loud...stay tuned...better yet tune IN!............and out.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

All the Single Parents, All the Single Parents (nope not a song)

Was Ann Coulter just bored when she decided to plot her attack on single parents?! Or was it a desperate plea for attention?!
After watching her banter on "The View", I felt almost as inflamed as the hosts on the show; however I quickly curbed my enthusiasm after formulating that she just might be entertained by all the irritation, caused by her ignorance.

It appears that she is resorting to "shock jock" techniques to help carry over her opinion to a larger audience. When she sat down to have this conversation with her peers, it must have gone very well; which left her intrigued to share her gospel with the rest of the world. Sadly, not too many folks are singing her praises, at least not the SP's.
Sure anyone can throw down a bunch of statistics to help prove a point, especially when things are examined from one side, but it presents a very uneven argument. So I'm gathering from her statements and statistics that because single parents are single parents, they raise criminals, meaning what…married parents don't because there's a ring in place?

Interesting enough I stumbled across an article on Sarah Chapman, the mother of Sean "P. Diddy" Combs' eldest daughter Chance Combs, only to find some disheartening comments posted beneath it. 

Now I don't agree with women sleeping with other peoples' men, (I will make my argument on that another day, another time), but I find it absolutely sad that people share Ann Coulter's view; and not only that but people still believe kids and marriage go hand in hand. I perfectly understand that it is ideal for man and woman to get married and then have children but as we know the cookie doesn't always crumble that way and hasn't for centuries.
The ladies who commented on the post seemed to feel that Kim Porter, Diddy's on again-off again girlfriend and mother to three of his children, deserved to be cheated on. A lot of their discontent was merely based on the fact that she was not married to him, had kids by him, which only made her "baby mama" and therefore should've expected him to step out and do his thing.

WHOA THERE! I had to take a minute to gather myself upon reading such rubbish. I mean were they that idiotic to believe that she didn't deserve a certain level of respect because she didn't marry him?! The bottom line is this…
She was his WOMAN!!! Not his bitch, his hoe or his cheese on the side, someone he obviously loves and she loves him back and the MOTHER of and to his children. Whatever her reasons for not marrying him were, are her business; perhaps she spared herself of the Hollywood divorce or was even just fine being his girlfriend.
I mean really if she had married him would that have stopped him from being what he truly is? Or would she have joined that large pool of naïve women, who marry knowing what their man is capable of just to avoid being looked upon as the "B.M."?
The divorce rate is up, (what do you say to that Annie?!) and more and more people men and women are becoming single parents. Does it make them bad people? No. Does it automatically mean we should hold a cell block for their kids? Heck no. It simply means that single parenthood is becoming a commonality rather by choice or by circumstance.
There are some people who really do choose being a single parent versus going through all the other motions society and Ann Coulter seem to think is more acceptable. At the end of the day I'd rather see happy, healthy single parenting than to see abusive, damaging mommy and daddy is married parenting.
We as people have to prioritize, married or not when it comes to parenting. When you are a single parent you do have a lot more to juggle; some can handle it, some can't. The flaw in single parenting isn't being a single parent; rather it's dropping the ball. You have your hands tied fulfilling all of your rightful duties, but you also have to make sure that you are doing all that you can for your children if not more to ensure they stay on the right paths in life.
Regardless of ones' marital status, or no matter what the circumstances are, I say whatever floats your boat just make sure that the child or children are taken care of and that you take care of yourself as well. Be peaceful.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome to my world: My Disclaimer

I must warn you that my thoughts are very provactive (not in a breast/thigh kinda way). But hopefully will leave you forming questions, opinions and so forth. Oh and I encourage telling me off too. Oh and feel free to ask for advice(my opinion) because I loooove giving it.

Welcome to my world (part of it...)